—–1A Church Part 1—–Lordship Church vs. 501 (C)3 Nonprofit Organization

” Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
First Amendment to the American Constitution

What is a “Free Church” or “Lordship Church”?

A  “Free Church”, “Lordship Church”, or “Church Under the Messiah”, (all the same thing) is basically an autonomous body of Believers who are organized as an assembly in accordance with the First amendment of the United States Constitution and who look to the Bible, and specifically Jesus / Yeshua the Messiah, as sovereign and preeminent.  In this way the said Body of Believers is recognized as a church with no entanglements that would compromise that relationship or position: This is what “Chosen Glory” is.

The above is VERY different from almost every organization in America you see that calls itself a “church”. With relatively rare exception, almost every “church” in America today is actually a 501(C) 3, state sanctioned corporation that has unnecessarily and voluntarily submitted itself to intrusive state and federal law rather than being loyal to God’s law.

So what is a 501(c) 3 state incorporated “church”?

A 501 (c)3 “church” is an organization that has made application with the state to be INCORPORATED and has been granted 501 (c)3 status by the state. In so doing the organization enters into contractual agreement with the state including the United States government. This allows the said group to be recognized as a non-profit corporation with favored status as a charitable institution with IRS tax benefits including tax exemption with other state subsidies, and privileges.

However, these perks come with a price in the form of various legal requirements; one of which includes restrictions of speech in accordance with what is known as the “Johnson Amendment”.

“Religious corporations are governed by the same rules of law
and equity as other corporations”.

State v. Corpus Christi People’s Baptist Church, Inc.

Today, with rare exception, nearly every organization in America that calls itself a “church” is actually a 501(c) 3 corporation that has voluntarily and unnecessarily compromised itself by placing itself under state and federal mandates and restrictions. The catholic “church” is incorporated too, but they are a different type of corporation.

Churches have always been protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

These days, very few people are aware that Churches have always been, and continue to be, protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, a provision made by the Founding Fathers of America.

The 501(C) 3 status created in 1954 duplicates the standing that  churches have always had here in America as a benefit of the First Amendment. However, unlike prior to 1954, among other things, when an organization voluntarily accepts 501(C) 3 status it ALSO accepts various attached RESTRICTIONS that prevent it from practicing and spreading the Gospel unencumbered as Yeshua (Jesus) instructs us to do.

IRS 501 (C)3 tax status has been completely voluntary (and unnecessary) for churches since it’s very inception in 1954.

“Churches must meet specific requirements to obtain and maintain tax-exempt status; these are outlined in “IRS Publication 1828: Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations”. This guide outlines activities allowed AND NOT ALLOWED BY CHURCHES under the 501(c)(3) designation.” Click here for the complete text

So is a “church” REQUIRED to be a 501(C) 3 in order to be legitimate?

Bible based churches operated as what we now call a “Lordship Church” or “Free Church”, in America for over 300 years before the optional 501(C)3 system and the associated Johnson Amendment was even created.

The Johnson Amendment to the 501(C) 3 program was created by the American government to help it control communist organizations that were popping up around the country in the 1950’s. At the time of this writing it has now been approximately 60 years since churches began embracing the 501(c) 3 program.

“Churches” have now been functioning that way for so long that today, most people think that in order to be “legitimate” a “church” is required to be registered as a 501(C)3 corporation: But that is not the case. For churches, inclusion in the program has been optional since the program began in 1954.

When the 501 (C)3 program was initiated it was, and still is, optional for churches. It is not now, nor has a church ever been required to apply for 501(C) 3 status / licensure in order to be recognized as a “church”. This is a guarantee secured to Americans by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The 501 (C)3 system is completely voluntary and unnecessary for churches

Although never required, when the 501(C)3 system was created (1954), churches were granted by congress the option of being added to the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c) 3 list of organizations. However, this inclusion of “churches” into the 501(C)3 system has always been voluntary; it has never been mandatory. And again, it is a duplication (with added mandates and restrictions) of the status granted to churches by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution way back in 1791. Churches were not regulated before that either. The First Amendment just guaranteed that they would not be infringed upon in the future.

But as time went by and constitutional literacy waned, greed took hold and almost every “church” in America jumped onto the 501(C)3 band wagon. Eventually everyone began to think that churches are required to be registered /  “licensed” as a 501(C)3 entity so churches began to voluntarily enroll into the system on that basis.

Sadly, in so doing “churches” voluntarily compromised their position as the “Bride of Christ” and became part of the “whore of Babylon” (the world system). So why did they do that? Money.

America is part of the whore of babylon.  Church 501(c)3  Tax deductable donations.

“It’s impossible to have religious freedom in any nation
where churches are licensed to the government”

Congressman George Hansen

Blessings of the First Amendment

But as previously mentioned, thankfully the founders of America made a provision for “churches” in the First Amendment of the American Constitution. Therefor, No licensing or registration was or is needed for Bible based churches. I for one am very grateful to them for that.

“…Page 3 of IRS Publication 1828 states, “churches that meet the requirements of § 501(c)(3) are automatically considered tax exempt and are not required to apply for and obtain recognition of tax-exempt status from the IRS” [Bold added for emphasis]. The IRS repeats this on page 24 of IRS Publication 557, “Tax –Exempt Status for Your Organization.” Under Organizations Not Required To File Form 1023 churches are listed. The following sentence is included: “These organizations are exempt automatically if they meet the requirements of section 501(c)(3).” [Bold italicized emphasis added.].

By placing a church under a civil government law, either 501(c)(3) or IRC § 508(c)(1)(A), a church rejects her First Amendment non-taxable status and accepts the federal government offer for tax exempt status.  Offer and acceptance are necessary for the agreement, the contract, to be completed. The First Amendment makes clear that a church may choose to retain religious freedom without persecution. IRS  §§ 501(c)(3) and 508(c)(1)(A) give churches an alternative: give up First Amendment status as a non-legal entity in favor of Fourteenth Amendment status as a legal entity.” Click here for complete text

Particularly because of the attached restrictions, “churches” that are organized as a 501 (C)3 state corporation are in error, compromised, and an affront to Yahweh, the God of the Bible.

America was built upon the foundations of the “Free” or “Lordship Church”.

A “Free church” or “Church under Christ” is not some radical, fringe concept, and it is not antigovernmental. The fact that a church is not enrolled into the 501(C) 3 system in NO WAY infers that it is antigovernmentalLike the founders of America we very much support the Biblical concept of  righteous, Godly, government. As a matter of fact, as evidenced by the number of Pastors involved in the forming of early America, it was members of what we now refer to as Lordship Churches who were extremely influential in forming the American government.

It is very, very important to understand that being an established “Lordship Church” is not in any way an act of rebellion against the state. On the contrary; as explained above, it is a way of operating as clearly designed, intended and encouraged by the American government. It is a way to execute A God-given mandate that many of the founders of America sought to guarantee the ability to fulfill.

A “Lordship Church” is NOT anti-government

The “Black Robed Regiment” sacrificed dearly to create and support America

Many early American church leaders were part of what King George deemed “The Black Regiment” or the “Black Robed Regiment”.  These men were uncompromising Pastors who believed that the church of Yeshua the Messiah is not an underling, a vassal, or in any way subordinate to any king or parliament. 

This is one of the main reasons that America was founded in the first place; to avoid “religious” licensure: They refused to submit to King George in England who considered himself to have authority over the church. King George’s abuse of authority over the true church (God’s people) of England in those days was similar to the abuses practiced by countries like Afghanistan, china, Africa, and saudi arabia today. In similar manner, the 501(C) 3 status places certain aspects of a church under the authority of the state.

This is much of the reason that the early American’s fought so desperately to create and birth America. It is the very reason that so many sacrificed their property, their health, their homes, their families and their lives during The War for American Independence (Revolutionary War).  Early American Believers who were faithful to Yahweh, the God of the Bible, personally experienced (along with their families) the control, torture, and abuse that they had left behind in England because of their faith and they were determined to not allow that to happen again in the new land of America.

And so today when a “church” voluntarily and unnecessarily places itself under the authority of the state by way of the 501(c) 3 system it abrogates at least part what the War for American Independence was fought to gain; and then places itself back under the authority of the government as it was in England before the creation of America.

I know…. It’s hard to believe…

I know that I am uncharacteristically repeating myself in this article so if you have made it this far thank you for bearing with me. I have done that for two reasons. One is because it is amazing (among other things) that all of this has transpired despite the fact that churches had been operating very nicely, in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, for over 300 years before the optional, restrictive 501(C)3 program was created in 1954.

The second reason that I am repeating myself is because all of this is very new to most people. Despite the fact that it is a VERY simple concept, at first appearance it can seem a little complicated. In this article I have approached various aspects of the subject in various ways to assist the reader in seeing the various aspects of the issues and to help keep it all straight.


In summary, after over 300 years of operating without the 501(C) 3 system, churches were not suddenly required to violate the United States Constitution and become registered / licensed in 1954.

The 501(C) 3 corporation is merely a reflection (or an admission / confirmation) of the established “Law of Charities” (which exists, stands alone, and separate from the 501(C) 3 status). However, the 501(C) 3 registration comes with added mandates and restrictions (including the Johnson Amendment).

For a “Church” to register in the 501(C)3 program is completely unnecessary,  voluntary, compromising, and very contrary to all that America was founded upon, has fought for, and still stands for even today.

Most importantly; for a church to enroll into the 501(C) 3 program is completely contrary to Biblical instruction and the fulfilling of the “Great Commission” to which every believer is responsible.

If you are a member of a church that has been established as a 501(c) 3 we strongly, strongly urge you to talk to your pastor and tell him about the information you have read here. Strongly encourage the church leadership to remove themselves from those restrictions so that they are free to preach and spread the gospel in it’s entirety, uncensored, as Yeshua (Jesus) intended it to be.

One of the first things that your “pastor” will adamantly say is that being a 501(c) 3 doesn’t stop him from saying ANYTHING. And since he probably doesn’t teach the full Gospel anyway, and since he probably doesn’t REALLY address the REAL issues of the day, he is probably correct when he says that 501 (C) 3 registration / licensure doesn’t impact the group.

Since, in the end, the response to your request, in effect, will probably be that your “Pastor” places a higher priority on his financial security then the Gospel, he will probably refuse to come out from under the restrictions of the 501(C) 3 system. When you arrive at that point we encourage you to at least remove yourself from a state licensed organization that embraces these restrictions so that at least you can be found blameless.

” Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
First Amendment to the American Constitution

Parson Rayphe
Chosen Glory

See related article God vs. 501(C) 3 “Churches” for more

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