A brief history & overview of “Small Groups”

This article is for all who want more from their relationship with “God” than what institutional religion has to offer. It’s for those who desire to align with the Divine Holy Spirit, Jesus / Yeshua the Messiah, while living life, trying to find their way, and and trying to put the pieces together. In this article you will see a quick glimpse of the history of God’s people living life in “Small Groups” as a part of the “Body of Christ” and a few other aspects of small group life.

Large Groups
Before that though, it seems appropriate to just say a word about “Large” groups. Large groups, with people who are mostly disconnected from one another, rarely even talk to each other about anything substantial or saying “I’m fine”, while rarely interacting between scheduled events, and then doing it all again the following week, is and has always been the way of institutional religion; but it’s not the way of the Most High God. Sadly, there are untold numbers of people who are duped into doing these things as they regularly assemble in large buildings week after week to listen to a lecture, while being told that they are fulfilling their “God duty”. It’s sad.

Leaving Religion
However, there are at least some people who “go to church” week after week who genuinely do want to experience a deeper life in the Divine. Many of them feel frustrated, “stuck”, unsure of other options. At some point, many actually do jump off of the religious hamster wheel. In fact statistics indicate that people have been leaving institutional religion in droves for decades now. Large, impersonal meetings and lack of substantive life application are big reasons why.

A very sad part of all this is, because institutional religion purports to represent “God”. So when people finally do leave religion behind, they often abandon Yahweh God as well.

Small groups are a way of life unto themselves
Just for clarification, by “small groups” I am not referring to some sort of “add on” that institutional “Pastors” load onto the backs of their already busy parishioners to “do”. Neither am I referring to a “Bible Study” or “prayer” group.

Rather what I am referring to is relational groups that are God centered, Bible based, and Spirit led who live life as an extended family.

Group Therapy for IFS Idaho
Small groups that meet together
Sabbath Keeping support group, Home Groups and House Churches

God’s people have always lived in community conjoined with Him and each other.
The first expression of “community” that we see in the Bible can be found in Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning GOD”. The Hebrew word used for “God” here is Elohim which suggests a plurality as opposed to singleness. In other words, the Bible relates that even within “God Himself” there is “community”.

The churches of Asia send greetings to you. Aquila and Prisca greet you warmly in the Lord, with the church (group)
that meets in their house.
1 Corinthians 16:19

Beyond that we see that small groups of God’s people can be found all through the Bible from the Garden, to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, to Yeshua, to the Apostles, and even to the various small home groups that we see from Genesis to Revelation. It is the nature of God’s people to live in community with God and each other: It’s in our DNA.

cell group, home, house, community church, organic church, Fellowship Group, Life Group, Pathfinders Group

An early Fellowship Support Group

.…They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship,
and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And they, continuing
daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread
from house to house, did eat their food with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all the people.
And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Acts 2:42,46,47

Martin Luther on how God’s people should live.
I have no ties with Lutheranism whatsoever. However, in Europe, the founder of the Lutheran movement, Martin Luther (1483-1546), could see that institutional religion was masquerading under the banner of “holiness”. Today the Lutherans have lost site of what Martin Luther held in regards to small groups. Still, this is what HE had to say about following the established Biblical precedent of God’s people meeting together in order to bless God, and support and encourage one another in small groups:

Home groups in Idaho, Small groups for inner healing that meat on zoom,  Cell church, House church, organic church, are some of the names that small groups go by.

Martin Luther said “Those, however, who are desirous of being Christians in earnest, and are ready to profess the Gospel with hand and mouth, should register their names and assemble by themselves in some house to pray, to read, to baptize and to receive the sacrament and practise other Christian works. In this Order, those whose conduct was not such as befits Christians could be recognized, reproved, reformed, rejected, or excommunicated, according to the rule of Christ in Matt. xviii.

Here, too, a general giving of alms could be imposed on Christians, to be willingly given and divided among the poor, after the example of St. Paul in 2 Cor. ix.”

Here there would not be need of much fine singing. Here we could have baptism and the sacrament in short and simple fashion: and direct everything towards the Word and prayer and love. Here we should have a good short Catechism about the Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer. In one word, if we only had people who longed to be Christians in earnest, Form and Order would soon shape itself.”

Circuit Riders and small groups

Even when America was still a part of England, there were “Circuit Riders” sharing the “Good News” to a wild new land.

These “Circuit Riders”, were instrumental in spreading the Gospel throughout young America.

Circuit Riders were a common sight in America up into the 1860’s. But what is most applicable to our discussion here is that they were called “Circuit Riders” because, depending upon their particular

circuit rider, frontier preacher, early America,  small church, house church, christian support group

assignment, they repeatedly rode a “circuit” on horseback that would regularly take them to families and other small groups of Mountain Men, Native Americans, settlers, tradesmen, and all that they could find. Once or twice a year they might also host a special larger gathering.

These are only a few examples, from both inside and outside of the Bible, of how God’s people have lived in community, by way of “small groups”, since the beginning of time.

Mark 12:28-32
And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?
Yeshua answered him, The greatest of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; Yahweh our God is One:
And thou shalt love Yahweh your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, you shalt love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”

So, should God’s people ever meet in large, commercial buildings?
The Bible doesn’t answer that question directly. However, it IS clear that God centered, Bible based, and Spirit led relationships are to be nurtured in The Most High and His people on a daily basis in the course of life. And the reality is that rarely happens in large, institutional churches. I am sure that there are exceptions, but my experience, which is confirmed by everyone I have ever known, is; it’s rare. Sure there could be the one or maybe two relationships that are exceptions. But close relationships are not supposed to be the exception in God’s Kingdom: Rather they should be the rule.

What are small groups for?
Small groups take many forms; they CAN serve various purposes, and they have gone by several names: Church, Congregation, Assembly, Small Group, “Community”, Support Group, Home Group, Home Church, Life Group, and Fellowship Group are just a few.

But whatever you call it, it’s the way God created His people to be; a family, a group of people supporting and encouraging each other while living life in Him; The Most High, The Divine, Yahweh God.  We see this exemplified ALL through the Bible.

Rather than geographical proximity the focus is on Yeshua, spiritual unity, relationships, and purpose. When necessary, there are steps that can be taken to overcome distance.

But here in twenty first century America, State licensed 501 (C) 3, institutional religion has become mainstream. In fact our culture is so far removed from our Biblical roots that it is nearly impossible for most to even grasp the simplistic lifestyle of living in a small group community as Yahweh God designed, Jesus / Yeshua encouraged, and America enjoyed up until relatively recent history.

“Now you are the body of Messiah, and members in particular.”
1 Corinthians 12:27

Those who DO follow God’s design for living life and / or supporting one another as the family of God in small groups are often considered to be unusual: But then again, the things of God have always seemed as foolishness to the world. 

Today small groups can take many forms and serve many purposes but they should always be God centered, Bible based, Spirit led, and relational .

Some final thoughts
I don’t want to give the impression that small groups are the answer to ALL of life’s problems. They are not an “escape” or some sort of supernatural panacea. In fact Improperly executed small groups can have the same problems as large groups.

Small Groups MUST be Purposefully God centered, Bible based, spirit led, relational, and facilitated by humble servants who embrace these realities. If they aren’t, the groups will loose their significance, or just turn into another form or religious activity: And unfortunately that is not unusual.

We see the concept of community even in God Himself.
Small groups” are All through the Bible; as well as in extrabiblical history, including Martin Luther, the Circuit Riders, and even today God’s people can be found living in community.

These days, in some parts of the world (mostly outside of the United States), God’s people living in close community with The Most High and each other is common.

As a result of doing this for many years, I should mention that in America, hosting relational small groups that are God Centered, Bible based, and Spirit led, is challenging: Very challenging. These days, each one of those qualities are contrary to American culture. And when you combine them all together it can be overwhelming for those unaccustomed to this Biblical lifestyle.

Still, just like our physical health, it is incumbent upon each one of us to nurture our spiritual health to the best of our ability. And again, just like physical exercise, if we are serious about exercising spiritually, it’s going to require us to step outside of our comfort zone in order to see significant, positive growth.

Do you want to experience all that The Most High has for you? No one group excels in EVERYTHING; but do your best to place yourself in an environment in which it is easier for you to align with and commune with God (Mt. 6:33), and easier for Him to commune with you: God centered, Bible based, Spirit led, relational groups. It may mean cutting ties with what you are used to, but it will be worth it.

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Parson Rayphe
Chosen Glory
Spiritual Director – Healing – Wholeness

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