“Cutting Ties” to move forward

Leaving church, family, boy friends, girl friends, or fiancé' to pursue God in a deeper way.

At 17 I had a life-altering experience that concluded by “cutting ties” with the institutional church that I had grown up in. 

Sadly, with several years now behind me, I now know that what happened was really not that unusual when associating with Christian churches. Still, it had a profound impact upon me. And unfortunately, I didn’t know anyone who could help me navigate the situation in a Godly manner. 

In the end, I didn’t handle it well. Consequently, in the ensuing years, I made a lot of mistakes that would impact my life for many years to come.

Years later, I found myself in a number of profound peculiar predicaments that repeatedly placed me at a cross road and forced me to either Choose God or something else.  Eventually, these experiences led to years of deep-rooted healing that I had no idea I needed.  At times it was excruciating.  However, today I am thankful for my journey:  Along with giving me great empathy for others, it has also helped me to better identify with the hurting and those who just need a helping hand. 

As I have grown in the higher,  genuine things of God, I have gained quite a lot of knowledge, wisdom, and experience in moving from “level to level” in God’s grace and I am always excited to share what God has revealed to me.

Is the culture, peer pressure, unhealthy relationships, a false religious paradigm, or something else telling you to stay in your comfort zone or just trying to keep you down?  Are you trying to survive a bad situation that is keeping you swimming in negativity?  Are you finding it challenging to keep your head up?  Would you like to reduce frustration and stop being tossed around in a faux existence like a pawn in a chess game?  Is God calling you up higher?  If you answered yes to any of these it may be time to cut ties with what is holding you back so that you can freely pursue God with clarity.  

Cutting ties isn’t a decision to be made hastily and it’s not for everyone in every situation. It’s important to remember that cutting ties does not mean that you stop living or loving:  It means that, in accordance with the Word and Spirit of God, you no longer allow a particular negative or ungodly influence to persistently distract you from aligning with your Creator in a deeper way.

Pretty much everyone who desires to walk with God will find themselves in a similar situation sooner or later. If you would like to transition into a more content, authentic, peaceful, and fulfilling life with less internal conflict, then at some pointyou will be cutting ties and making some difficult decisions also.  

If you would like some assistance feel free to contact me here.

Parson Rayphe
Spiritual Director
Chosen Glory

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